For the second handout that I'm creating for OU Recruitment Services, I'll be targeting the parents of potential transfer students. Parents have a great deal of influence in terms of where their child(ren) choose to attend college because it's likely that they're the ones funding the secondary education. As a result, it's just as important to win their positive opinions and make them feel as though their child(ren) will be in a safe and educationally stimulating environment.
When you're first deciding who your stakeholders are, it's important to remember who you're working for. In this situation, I'm doing work on behalf of the university's recruitment services. Their primary objective is to bring more students to the University of Oklahoma. Therefore, students are among the most obvious stakeholders. From there, you can begin to think about who else may influence the students' decision to attend the university because you'll want to reach out to them, as well. Utilizing this method of thinking, regardless of the organization you're working for, will lead you to several potential stakeholders who are worth reaching out to.
Furthermore, I'd like this handout to be more informational than the one I designed specifically for transfer students. Parents tend to be more results-oriented. They want to know that their child is going to be hired and prepared for the professional world after graduating with a degree from a university. Due to this fact, I think it's crucial to make a more logical appeal and provide facts about how OU's programs rank compared to other universities and what types of scholarships their kids will be eligible for. The picture below showcases the basic layout that I'd like to achieve.